Sunday, March 15, 2015

One Big Step for the Future...

I shared my experience with returning to the workforce on a number of occasions. I recently came across an article in the Washington Post, the subject of which, gave hope for the future of working mothers in America. The subject of the article was a new maternity policy at a European-based, global telecommunication company, Vodafone Group. Vodafone Group, plans to require that by the end of 2015, all of its operating companies offer a minimum of 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to its employees. Additionally, once maternity leave is over, upon returning to work, new mothers will be able to work 30 hours a week and still earn their full-time salaries for the first six months. This new policy is aimed to help new mothers transition back into the workforce.

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Interestingly, the article titled this new maternity policy as "unusual". For the United States, this is definitely unusual, but should it be? To attract and retain female employees, this policy seems so common sense. That first year is the toughest. Getting acclimated to a new child, a new routine, lack of sleep and the additional stress of a full-time job, can, and does take a tall. Everyone benefits when a new working mother has the opportunity to transition back to work in a calm manner. The result is a happy parent, who in turn, is a more focused and productive employee.

I can only hope that this "unusual" policy by Vodafone becomes the standard for companies across the country.

Read the article and more on this topic on the Washington Post website and the Huffington Post.

Until next time...

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