Or I should actually say, I barely survived...Almost two months back in the working world have been full of long days and late nights. Work, naturally providing a heavy load of stress, was compounded by the stress from endless illnesses, courtesy of the offsprings. For the past month and a half, every weekend, and a lot of the work days, consisted of one, or both children being sick. The month ended with myself and subsequently, the hubby, being on antibiotics. I really, really hope this is the last weekend we're spending at home, passing germs back and forth.
To cheer myself up after all the above-mentioned fun, I decided to treat myself. After about a year and a half, I ordered a new Fix. My new Fix arrived just as I was too sick to even be excited. The box lay unopened for a day (very unusual for me). Finally, I broke the tape and peaked inside.
Things did change a bit since I last ordered. You can actually request specific items (if you follow StitchFix on Instagram). The note from the stylist was quite personal, and let me know that the particular sweater I requested wasn't available in the color I wanted. However, the stylist selected a different color that she thought I might like, which I did. She paid attention to the types of pieces I pinned to my fashion pinterest board and selected additional pieces based on that. I thought this was very considerate. Even though this fix provided a very positive customer service experience, I have to be honest, the actual pieces left a bit more to be desired. Everything fit well, from a size perspective, and from a style and color perspective, most of the items hit the spot. However, the quality of the materials wasn't quite there. Even though this was a bit of a disappointment, I am not giving up. The idea is that with every Fix, your stylist gets to know you better and better. So future fixes should only get better with time. I still think this is a pretty awesome and fun service. I'll be treating myself again soon. After all, another quarter-end is coming up soon :)
Until next time...
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